

Anxiety about stigma

I’m ashamed.

Because I thought I would be looked at strangely.

I was ashamed. I was embarrassed.

Because then I would be made fun of or watched with prejudice.

If I told, I would be made fun of or laughed at.

Likely to be treated with prejudice (as a nurse).

Potential obstacles at work if disclosed

Disclosure might cause problems for me at work.

Anxiety about dismissal

I thought a sick pharmacist couldn’t continue working.

Lack of awareness of illness

I wasn’t aware.

Consideration of human relationships

If I told, people would be embarrassed.

I didn’t want to be bothered.

Not feeling the need to disclose

No need.

I didn’t particularly want to talk about it.

I don’t feel the need.

I didn’t feel the need to tell because I was treated like all the others.

I thought people would understand me if I didn’t tell.

My illness was not so severe.

I wanted to keep it a secret for a while.

Anxiety about violation of privacy

My privacy might be disclosed to other people.

If I told one trustworthy person, the information would surely spill out to others.

No chance to talk

I was so shocked myself that there was simply no question of telling someone.